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ring_terminal [2024/07/16 13:19] – remove image scaling senring_terminal [2024/07/16 15:14] (current) – change image caption format yet again sen
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 Ring terminals are a type of [[electrical_contacts#stamped_and_formed]] contact designed to accept screws or bolts so they can be secured to a larger structure or [[terminal block]]. Ring terminals are a type of [[electrical_contacts#stamped_and_formed]] contact designed to accept screws or bolts so they can be secured to a larger structure or [[terminal block]].
-[{{ wiki:us2379567_drawing.png <color black>An early patent for a ring terminal</color}}] +<figure center> 
 +{{ wiki:us2379567_drawing.png?800 }} 
 +<caption>An early patent for a ring terminal</caption